With Blonde hair and cheeky grin, my children resembled me from day one (lack of hair I think). But it wasn’t until they were 2 years old that I truly started to think I was looking into a mirror. I would say things and play around the house with my boys and often be greeted by a mirror or an echo of myself. If I was exercising they would mimic me, if I was drinking they would mimic me, if I was laughing they would mimic me, even when talking on the phone they would mimic me.
From the very beginning Kellen and Kade have been practicing to become master imitators and I became one of their role models.
Often my wife, and me, (as I am sure many other parents around the world) will agree that these moments of mimicry can provide great amusement. In fact they are now often displayed for everyone’s entertainment in forums such as Facebook and YouTube.
But we should make sure that we do not take this environmental process too lightly, it is not just something for show. By copying adults children learn the vast majority of their skills from language to social skills.
Of course, all children have their own way of developing, not all children mimic their parents every move. Some children spend a lot of time observing and processing information before they attempt something but nevertheless these children will form the basis of their early learning through following the example of their role models.